Of 1087 30-day survivors, 212 (19.5%) were treated in an ICU with 0-1 types of organ support, 494 (45.4%) with support of two organs, 26 (2.4%) with support of three organs and 355 (32.7%) were not admitted to an ICU.
Return to work increased with decreasing number of organs supported, from 53.8% (95% CI: 49.5–70.1%) in patients treated with both RRT, cardiovascular support and mechanical ventilation to 88.5% (95% CI: 85.1–91.8%) in non-ICU-patients. In 732 ICU-patients, ICU-patients with support of 3 organs had significantly lower adjusted hazard ratios (HR) of returning to work (0.50 [95% CI: 0.30–0.85] compared to ICU-patients with support of 0-1 organ. The corresponding HR was 0.48 [95% CI: 0.30–0.78] for RRT alone.